
A primary name is the name as given on the early tax records; a secondary name is a rename showing in later records.

1754 Parcels

EstateParcelPrimary or Secondary
Annas Hope08, 30aPrimary
Beeston Hill06Primary
Bugbyhole20a, 21a, 21bPrimary
Bulows Minde06bPrimary
Cathrines Rest12b, 20bPrimary
Constitution Hill07Primary
Contentment01a, 10cPrimary
Diamond Keturah30b, 31Primary
Granard16b, 18a, 19a, 29, 30a, 32aPrimary
Grange09, 22aPrimary
Herman Hill01d, 10a, 11, 25a, 33Primary
Judiths Fancy34aPrimary
La Grande Princesse13, 36Primary
Longford19b, 22b, 26, 27, 28Primary
Orange Grove02c, 03Primary
Peters Farm Hospital01c, 25aPrimary
Recovery Hill23a, 24aPrimary
Saint John34bPrimary
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