About the Project

Having been a film photographer for decades before the digital revolution, my beloved Canon T90 35mm SLR and other film cameras became obsolete. Moving to St. Croix in 2001, where 35mm film was scarce and high-quality processing opportunities vanished, I embraced digital photography with a Canon PowerShot. This transition led me to capture the beauty of beaches and sunsets, sparking a shift from ‘looking out’ to ‘looking in.’

Bodkins Sugar Mill

In 2008, I devoted Wednesdays to a new photography project, focusing on the intriguing history of sugar mills in the Caribbean, especially on St. Croix. Upgrading to Canon Rebel XSi and later a Canon 50D within budget constraints, these cameras captured most of the photos on this site. Despite my fondness for full-frame Canon cameras, I found APS-C cameras more practical for navigating dense vegetation in search of unique shots.

While delving into sugar mills, I encountered unresolved queries. I dedicated significant time to thorough investigations at the Whim Museum archive library and various antiquarian bookshops worldwide, procuring literature from the 1800s to the 1900s. This research encompassed subjects such as the Society of Concrete Engineers around 1800 AD and the Napoleonic wars, consuming numerous hours of my time.

Southgate Sugar Mill

Heritage.vi was founded with a passion for sharing my findings. I am confident that you will find the material captivating and enlightening. If you have any inquiries or need more details, please don’t hesitate to contact me through the email link on the ‘Contact Us’ section. I am committed to delivering precise and perceptive answers.

I structured this site to reflect the evolution of content – from transient intensities and musings in “posts”, to enduring content in “pages”. This approach mirrors the maturation of ideas, which I find deeply enriching. Delving into the history of St. Croix, the only home I have loved, is a personal joy, and I’m delighted to share this with you.

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